Saturday, March 3, 2018

The 30/30 Collage

Almost 30 Painting's in 30 Day's Collage
by Renee Brennan Art

Ok so here is the final "TA DA"  
Just a couple of thoughts... doing this for the 4th time.

1.  Carve out more time but if you can't don't stress!
2.  My motto was written on that coffee mug "make it happen" and most importantly "Do it for the Process"!
3.  Yes I faked a son's Heart painting and the little Teacart. 
haha needed something to go into my little local shop.
4. Grateful for family, friends and new friends genuinely interested in following along!  Thank you!  and Thanks to our host Leslie Saeta who let us upload to her 30/30 page every day.
5. The hardest part was doing all the blogging, posting on FB, & Instagram...Now catching up putting on Etsy...whew!  
6.  It really was fun!


Barbara said...

You did a beautiful job with these. I especially like how you handled tulips and peonies. Peonies are my favorite flowers.

Renee Brennan said...

Thank you Barbara :)

carol edan said...

Hi Renee. Just dropped by to see your lovely flower garden challenge! Will look further to the individual works. Congrats on a challenge well done.
I agree blogging and all the rest are the big time consumer!

Renee Brennan said...

Thanks for stopping by Carol!