Tuesday, November 27, 2018

One More Shop! The Front Porch

Sooo just like I needed one more thing to do...
haha I go and move into another little shop!!
Well it's a shop within a shop.  I just LOVE this place!! 
It's called Front Porch Goods, in Muskegon Michigan.   
Full of awesome vendors who are pickers and makers just like me.  
I'm more a maker/artist but it's a great mix and I'm having FUN!

 So this shopping season Shop Small, Shop Local, make a Maker do a happy dance when they make a sale!!  I do!! 

on Instagram
Custom Pet Portraits by
Renee Brennan Art

Watch for more listings on my Etsy page soon and as alway's 
THANK YOU for following my on my slow moving journal we call a blog ;D

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