Saturday, May 5, 2012

Abbey Ryan Workshop at AOY

Painting again at the Artist's of Yardley (AOY) farmhouse in Pennsylvania 
 10 of us had the pleasure of painting with Abbey Ryan for 2 day's.  Each morning we watched her create a demo painting.  It's amazing watching them come to life right before our eyes. Then we set up our own still lifes wherever we chose in any of the rooms.  2 ladies were even in the kitchen!  

Above is my attempt at a garlic clove and asparagus....not so easy to do, and after painstakinly painting them,  Abbey say's "you painted 2 out of the 3 most difficult vegetables to paint! " 
Thanks Abbey :)

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Nice job! What a wonderful experience for you to spend time with Abbey Ryan!! And, thank you for joining and commenting on my blog. :)