Friday, July 22, 2011

"Reflections of a Banana Pepper"

6x8 Oil on Ray Mar Panel NFS

This is my submission for the Daily Paint Works Challenge given by Abbey Ryan a couple of weeks ago.  Here were the instructions.....Paint a reflective object from life. As you are setting up your still life, pay particular attention to your excitement about the reflections. Once you find something that catches your eye, use your painting time to make a visual inquiry about the nature of reflections."
So the objects I chose were a little glass bottle along with a banana pepper that I picked from my garden.  Instead of painting it near a window as usual, I closed the blind and used a light adjusted over the set up to eliminate moving reflections from the natural daylight.
   My visual inquiries were how cool it was that the pepper behind the glass flows into the reflections of the glass itself...see how that yellow/green creeps up the sides and then is distorted in each section of the glass?  I am so easily amused.

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