"Sunflower Study"
9x12 Oil
So, I have not being very good about keeping my New Years promise of posting, but I really have been painting. Although this is not what was painted. This week I did several setups and equally amount of wipeouts. One of which was on top of another painting from a couple years ago that is about to be wiped out again ugh!!...
...now back to the Sunflowers. In October I had taken a class from Bonnie Roth Anderson who is a Gem of a teacher at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts located in Annapolis. The class was called "Hawthorne on Painting", based on the principles and instruction of Charles Hawthorne. Bonnie is a truly dedicated who has been taught in his liniage and herself a wonderful artist. She pushes us to see the color relationships throughout the painting. Anyway, with alot of squinting, mixing, scraping, remixing..... this is the result. I would still change quite a few things, but for now it is a study and a study it will probably alway's be!!
9X12 Oil
This is from another class of Bonnie's. She set this still life up the first week and the lillies were closed.
by the 2nd week both were open so I had to edit ...as you can see I left one closed and had to imagine how the light was affecting the flower....also the light had changed dramatically....that's the downfall of painting with natural light...it changes constantly...but that's also what makes it more interesting!
I think it's lovely and thanks for your visit.
Thank you Mary....and you are welcome!!
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